Maximising brand potential to guide business growth

Maximising brand value

Continuing in our brand series, in this iteration, we will explore the importance of understanding, creating and maintaining brand value and why ‘brand’ is a key driver of commercial value. Helene Mills is a Partner at STRAT7 Advisory. She has 20+ years’ experience advising business leaders and investors on growth strategy based upon consumer and […]

Preparing for change needs a jazz musician’s mentality


Our CEO Barrie Brien’s latest contribution to the Forbes Business Council considers how even the largest organisations can cultivate a ‘jazz’ mentality through improvisation, collaboration, anticipation and creativity. Jazz is often regarded by musicians as being among the most difficult musical styles to master. It requires great technical skill, but also improvisation, collaboration, anticipation of […]

Lessons in Strategy from Board Games

A few months ago, my colleague Matt wrote a great article on the lessons of storytelling from Dungeons & Dragons. This motivated me to finally share my own nerdy pastime and the lessons I’ve learnt… I’m Tom. I’m 35. And I LOVE playing board games. Correction, I love WINNING board games. I am extremely (and […]

AI in Strategic Insights: 7 Myths vs Realities

Al in Strategic Insights: 7 Myths vs Realities Over the past year or so, the evolution of generative Al has drummed up both fear and excitement in equal measures. One thing is certain – it has already completely transformed how we gather, analyse and act on insight. As with any disruption, distinguishing fact from fiction […]

AI Myth #5: AI is limited in delivering customer centricity


A lingering misconception, often voiced by marketing and insight teams, is that AI struggles to deliver on the promise of customer centricity. In fact, in our experience, the opposite is true – AI propels us closer to the heart of customer needs and preferences. In the final blog in our AI myth series, we explore […]

AI Myth #4: AI can’t quantify challenges and opportunities at scale


If you missed our last blog, which looked at the perceived lack of representativeness in online data, you can read it here. Next up in our blog series on AI myths, we address the common misconception that traditional quantitative methods are the sole route to meaningful insights. While obviously valuable, these approaches can overlook AI’s […]

AI Myth #3: Generative AI can never be representative


Previously, we explored the power of human-AI collaboration in market research, highlighting how AI augments our capabilities rather than replacing them. This time, we’re tackling a common concern, the perceived lack of representativeness in online data. Generative AI isn’t representative, but AI can be While generic generative AI tools might struggle with representativeness, bespoke and […]

AI Myth #2: Humans are better but AI will still replace me!

myth #2 ai not as good as humans vs myth #3 ai will take my job

In our previous blog, we debunked AI Myth #1: AI is a distraction – by showcasing the undeniable impact generative AI is having on the way that we gather, analyse and utilise insight. Nonetheless, like any disruptive technology, AI brings a degree of uncertainty. Initial reactions often range from scepticism, with some asserting “AI isn’t […]

AI Myth #1: AI is a distraction

myth #1 ai is a distraction

The rapid evolution of generative AI in recent years has sparked a wave of excitement and apprehension in equal measures. One thing is undeniable though: it’s fundamentally changing how we gather, analyse, and utilise insights. As with any major disruption, separating fact from fiction is crucial. This blog series aims to do just that. We […]

Three principles for building bespoke AI solutions


In the final blog of our AI series, Paul Jackson, Managing Director of Bonamy Finch, shares three fundamental principles for building AI solutions in a financially astute and agile way, drawing upon our experiences here at STRAT7, lessons learned, and the insights we’ve gathered along the way. In case you missed our last two blogs, […]