Brand value is more tangible than you might think

Continuing in our brand series, in this iteration, we will explore how brand centricity can amplify brand value and help companies stay competitive amidst ever-shifting consumer preferences and a quickly-evolving playing field.

Beth Clayden is Senior Director, Brand Planning at STRAT7 Rainmakers. Previously Director of Brand Strategy at Interbrand, Director of Planning at Publicis UK and Head of Research at Carlton TV/ITV, Beth knows how to get to grips with brand value and show clients how to best leverage this asset to drive commercial growth.

Businesses invest in brands for a reason – whether selling chocolates or energy, it’s a short cut. Provided the brand is expressed well, it quickly tells customers why they might want what you have to sell, helping differentiate you from the competition at the same time. That short cut can both make and save money for any business.

But brands are a human construct. Created by humans to signify a product or service. Then interpreted by humans – though not always in the way the ‘creator’ had in mind. Managing brands well is the route to unlocking their potential.

Think of a conductor, keeping an orchestra or a choir in time and together – that’s the obvious bit. The truth is the conductor serves as a messenger for the composer. It is their responsibility to understand the music and convey it through gesture so transparently that the musicians in the orchestra communicate a unified vision.

Music conductor

Now, let’s translate this to brand management. How a brand is expressed needs to be clear, consistent and true to its original essence for consumers to ‘hear’ the pure, unobstructed sound the brand creator intended.

Investing in a brand pays because it streamlines what a business needs to do. A simple ‘brand centricity’ exercise shows how value pays off for businesses that put brand at the heart of what they do.

Examining the annual reports of some well-known businesses shows a strong connection between those who talk more about brand and how they are valued – both by consumers and the investment community. 

Even in the typically brand-centric fashion retail world, the benefit of greater brand focus shines through.


We all know a strong brand has potential to drive commercial growth, or in tougher times, to stem losses. 

But business tends to talk about brand and commercial assets as separate ideas. When, in fact, the brand can and should be a central driver of commercial growth, like your salesforce or a new retail outlet. 

“Though not formally recognized in GDP reports, economists find that the value of intangibles is higher than tangibles in most developed economies.”

(International Organisation for Standardization)

So, how many companies treat their brand as a tangible asset and evaluate the ROI in that investment?

Very few it seems. This is most likely because valuing intangible assets is a challenge for conventional accounting standards. There is a need to bridge this gap, making brand value a focus for the finance team as much as it is for the marketing department – treating the brand as central to the business’s value creation process.

Interested in learning more?

If this topic caught your interest and you believe your brand needs help navigating change, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at Be sure to check out our previous post on this topic here and stay tuned for more on leading your brand through change successfully.

Joe Lockey

Senior Analyst

Joe joined us after completing rotations across our consumer, services and health sectors, whilst gaining exposure to both qualitative and quantitative research techniques.


Alice Hedlund


Alice has experience in customer-centric growth, brand strategy and innovation at global scale. She specialises in brand transformation journeys, bridging the gap between business and brand strategy to create holistic and actionable plans for impactful growth.

Helen Donald


Job Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cilum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. 

Tom Carvell


Tom has a science background with a PhD in Materials Chemistry. He has spent most of his career working on in-house front-end innovation where he delivered mid/long term strategic projects for brands such as Durex, Scholl, Veet and KY. He is focussed on delivering pragmatic but provocative innovation strategy for CPG categories.

Manick Pratheeban

Senior Principal

Manick is a brand strategy and consumer insight specialist with 15+ years’ experience helping to grow some of the world’s biggest brands. He has a proven track record of translating trends, consumer, and market data into actionable insights to formulate growth strategies.

Kate Jones

Senior Principal

Kate has over a decade of experience in creating transformative strategies for customer-focused businesses. With a background in consumer insight and behaviour change across consumer health, packaged goods, leisure, banking and other sectors she focuses on elevating the customer experience to create human-centric innovations and foster impactful growth.

Jacob Gascoine-Becker


Jacob specialises in leveraging consumer research to inform investment strategy and business case development. A management consultant since 2014, he previously spent eight years working in ecommerce and digital marketing.

Ines Achabal

Senior Analyst

Ines is inately curious and creative. She is known for her expansive thinking when exploring client challenges and elevating the visual quality of outputs to maximise their impact.

Helene Mills


Helene has 20+ years’ experience advising business leaders and investors on growth strategy based upon consumer and market intelligence. Her particular specialism lies in leisure, retail, food and beverage sectors.

Helen Donald

Helen Donald


Helen has consulted businesses at different stages of growth across a variety of sectors, specialising in consumer packaged goods and consumer healthcare. She is an adept strategist, bringing clarity to the most complex of situations and connecting dots to create rich, future-proofed platforms for innovation, brand positioning and growth.

Allan Chen STRAT7 Advisory

Allan Chen

Senior Principal

Allan’s core skillset provides an analytical and commercial lens to address client challenges. He started his career as an actuary, and since then has held a broad range of strategic roles, improving performance across the private and public sector.


Björn Dufwenberg

Managing Director​

Björn has 15+ years’ experience in insight-driven transformation, across management consulting, as well as brand and innovation agency roles. Most recently he headed up the Customer-Led Transformation practice at PwC Sweden, until joining STRAT7 in 2021. He’s worked on global projects covering consumer goods, durables, spirits and beverages, retail, banking, and private equity.

Kamilla Dala

Senior Principal

Kamilla has 10+ years’ experience leading and implementing insight-driven transformation within global matrix organisations in durable and consumable goods. Areas of expertise cover segmentation, uncovering and translating actionable consumer insights within innovation, product development, brand positioning, strategy and marketing.