
Synthetic data in market research – an expert perspective

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In this Q&A, Hasdeep Sethi, Data Science Director and AI Lead at STRAT7, discusses synthetic data’s role in market research, the impact it’s having on the industry, and the trade-off that needs to be made between speed and precision.

Analysing Investor Brand Awareness for a Private Equity Firm

s7 global private equity case study

A leading global private equity firm wanted to understand brand awareness and sentiment among wealthy investors in five key markets: the US, UK, Sweden, Japan, and Hong Kong. Traditional primary research methods were deemed too time-consuming and expensive.

The ultimate guide to tracker migration​

Intersection busy and filled with cars representing the difficulty that can come from tracker migration

There are natural concerns to have when looking to migrate a tracker, so to ease your mind, here we explore some of the things we can commit to with every migration we carry out.

Data integrity: Giving you the confidence to stand behind your data

Data integrity

Across the UK, US, Europe, MENA and APAC, it’s estimated that online survey fraud cost close to $3 billion dollars last year. Technological advances have driven innovation and global capabilities but with it, technology has enabled more sophisticated, harder to identify fraud.

A well trained assistant

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Discover the four key benefits that using our tool will add to your insights team. Welcome to our fifth and final blog on STRAT7’s new AI product – our segment chatbot. In this blog series, we’ve covered:  How even your CEO can now talk to customers 24/7 with a few clicks of a button – […]

Putting our segment chatbot to the test

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To properly test our new tool we compared the results from a human panel with our segment chatbot. Welcome to our fourth blog on STRAT7’s new AI product – our segment chatbot. To help show how a chatbot will transform an insight division (and beyond), here we outline a recent test case. We used STRAT7 Audience’s panel […]

Simulated conversations vs fully synthetic data

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Here’s how our STRAT7 segment chatbot uses real data as best practice to leverage AI tools. Welcome to our third blog on STRAT7’s new AI product – our segment chatbot. At our recent STRAT7 client event in London, the push and pull of synthetic data was a common thread in the presentations.    The allure of getting […]

A chatbot with principles

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The three features in STRAT7’s segment chatbot that eliminate key problems in the use of GenAI in market research. Welcome to our second blog on STRAT7’s new AI product – our segment chatbot. To coin a phrase, many AI applications today have a ‘tourist’ problem.   They look good on demonstrations and use the usual buzzwords. […]

How a CEO can get closer to their customers

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Our STRAT7 segment chatbot lets anyone in your company talk to your customers – at any time. Welcome to our five-part blog series on STRAT7’s new AI product – our segment chatbot. It’s 2024, so everyone is talking about AI chatbots. And to them. While tools like ChatGPT, Gemini and Claude are now part and […]