May 30, 2024

STRAT7 in top quartile of agencies according to independent client audit

Global consumer insight and customer analytics group STRAT7 has performed highly in a new series of independent audits.

The audit was conducted by Relationship Audits, a company that specialises in assessing the strength of B2B client relationships. Its RADAR test measures agency performance across five key metrics: relationship, attitude, delivery, added value and recommendation.

The results put STRAT7 in the top quartile of agencies that Relationship Audit has reviewed in the last year. Jigsaw and Bonamy Finch were the highest performing agencies within the STRAT7 group, with scores of 9.2 and 9.1 out of ten respectively.

Future intention to work with STRAT7 among the companies surveyed was notably high. Asked whether participants were likely to recommend the group STRAT7 scored 8.7, and when asked whether they would award the group additional work STRAT7 scored 8.6.

Most significant is the overall score of 8.8 for likelihood that participants would be working with STRAT7 over the next 12 months. Other notably high scores were for categories including AI, data visualisation and staff retention.

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There were 307 companies surveyed as part of the RADAR report, 154 of which were STRAT7 clients. To provide a numerical score, the report’s findings were compared to the scores of similar companies in the previous year. Participants in the 2022-23 year included 29 Research & Data agencies, along with 353 full-service agencies.

Barrie Brien, Group CEO of STRAT7, said:

“Customer satisfaction is the metric that every business should be laser-focused on. We’re constantly extolling the virtues of customer centricity, so I’m delighted these results prove we practise what we preach. Everyone across the group should be extremely proud of what we’ve been able to achieve – and the results stand testament to all the hard work that goes into maintaining the highest standards.

“I relish constructive criticism and no business can afford to be complacent. We’ll be looking hard at those areas where there is room to improve in order to meet our clients’ ever-evolving needs. From that perspective, we’re committed to helping current and potential clients unlock the full range of services that are held across the wider STRAT7 group.”

To find out more about how we help clients become more customer-centric, get in touch.