November 10, 2023

STRAT7 launches secure generative AI tool, strat7GPT

Our AI team have launched a secure generative AI tool for use by all consultants across the STRAT7 group.

The strat7GPT tool ingests and analyses unstructured data uploaded from any text-based source, including verbatim survey responses, transcripts, PDFs, presentations, call logs, and more.

Paul Jackson, joint lead of strat7.ai, says: “Generative AI tools like ChatGPT offer huge potential to drive efficiencies. While the landscape is changing fast, responsible businesses that handle proprietary data remain wary of off-the-shelf services. 

“We wanted to bring the same advantages to our clients, but within a secure environment that would support confidentiality agreements and speed up strategic delivery to our clients. As such, we needed to maintain control of client data and remove any risk of it leaking into the public domain.”

strat7GPT can quickly synthesise data at scale. Used in conjunction with the bespoke strat7.ai toolkit, which gathers and analyses unstructured data, it can be used for a broad range of use cases. These include cultural landscaping, category understanding, customer closeness and brand strategy. 

Paul Jackson explains: “We can do much of what other generative AI tools do, summarise documents, refine copy and so-on. However, we’ve also worked closely with our team and clients to pinpoint real-world AI applications, training strat7GPT to serve their unique business needs.”  

Our bespoke strat7GPT tool was developed with three specialist applications in mind: 

  • First to efficiently prepare data by getting to the heart of the real issue.
  • Second to synthesise it to summarise and create new insights.
  • And finally to inspire users to create more engaging content and messaging. 

Paul Jackson expands: “Colleagues can use strat7GPT to supercharge their capabilities; they could use it to suggest questionnaire content building on desk research, collate competitor intelligence, or quickly identify relevant quotes from qual data that will bring customer stories to life.”

strat7GPT is being rolled out with training over the coming weeks. It is the second AI powered technology to be released for internal STRAT7 use by strat7.ai, following the launch of cultural trends platform Crowd Signals in 2021.

The strat7.ai roadmap and strategy have been developed to make AI part of the day-to-day experience across all teams (not just the group’s data scientists), and to integrate AI with other bespoke STRAT7 platforms (such as ex-plor communities and Whycatcher). Additionally, the strat7.ai team continues to enhance the STRAT7 data science toolkit to answer business questions with unstructured data.