
Innovation and new product development research services​

Maximise existing opportunities and forge new paths for growth​

Innovation & NPD strategy

Build winning consumer-centric strategies with market research for new product development and innovation

Stay up-to-date with consumers’ ever-evolving needs, gain an edge on your competitors and break into new markets with insight-driven product and service innovation. 

Leveraging our strategic approach, you can seize the moment and shape your future with a robust innovation pipeline – plotting a course to continued brand relevance, increased equity and sustained market leadership.


What our innovation & NPD research clients say...

Real stories of NPD research service success

Discover how our service/product innovation research & NPD research services have helped businesses maximise existing opportunities and find new business success.

Our Innovation and NPD research services help you:

Enter new markets

Fine-tune your expansion strategy for maximum resonance. Our strategic foundations and deep cultural insights help you understand and act on nuances that influence consumer perceptions in uncharted markets.

Optimise your portfolio

Commercial innovation to meet changing customer needs. Drive the evolution of your brand and product line-up with strategic insights, enabling you to maximise shelf-life and keep pace with shifting consumer expectations.

Shape your brand's future

Rewrite the rulebook with breakthrough, market-defining solutions. We forecast cultural and behavioural shifts, so you can understand future consumer needs and align products and services proactively.

Increase share of wallet

Fuel brand innovation with customer-centricity at its core. Our insights pinpoint vulnerabilities and gaps in your product lines, enabling you to  increase value and develop new solutions that convince existing customers to fully commit to your brand.

Grow market share

Seize market share through proactive innovation. By analysing detailed customer and competitor data, we forecast market progression and consumer trends, pinpointing opportunities for your brand to capture share from the competition and scale market ownership.

Mitigate long term risk

Broaden your horizons and increase commercial resilience. Our proven approach presents a roadmap to new revenue streams, reducing your dependency on single products and ensuring your brand remains relevant, engaging and agile in shifting markets.

Ignite growth with powerful product innovation research

A robust innovation pipeline is your engine for sustainable growth and lasting relevance. It’s not just about one-off hits, but a strategic portfolio of initiatives targeting short, medium, and long-term targets.

Our proven approach cultivates this pipeline, balancing incremental improvements to existing offerings with the development of groundbreaking new products and services — empowering your brand to consistently deliver meaningful innovation that captures market share, both now and in the future, driving profitability.

Our short term commercial insights empower brands to act quickly on changing consumer dynamics – sharpening their competitive edge with more customer-centric positioning, packaging, design and UX.

With our medium-term insights, we show brands how to interpret and act on existing market gaps and emerging needs, uncovering vital opportunities to deliver new value to consumers.

Infusing behavioural and cultural modelling into our research, we plot a path for industry progression, helping brands to activate transformational innovations that redefine their market for a lifetime.

Our innovation and concept development process​

Our double-diamond innovation model keeps focus precise, while ensuring no opportunity for experimentation goes overlooked.

Set ambition

Define your business objectives and the timescale of your goals. You choose the playing field and the competition - we set you up to win.

Identify opportunities​

We go broad, helping you identify a wide range of growth avenues, centred on active and future consumer needs.

Size & prioritise​

By breaking down the opportunities, we identify the most promising opportunities that ladder up to your brand’s goals and capabilities, as well as your consumers' priorities.

Build stimulus & ideate​

We determine multiple angles of attack for each of the priority opportunity spaces, before using structured ideation to chart a course for strategy, conception and launch.

Iterate & test​

Concepts are strengthened or explored through qualitative consumer research to gauge potential value, early buyer perceptions and short- and long-term impact.

A graphic showing the STRAT7 innovation and NPD process
IndentifyOpportunities 1
SizePrioritise 1
BuildStimulusIdeate 1
A graphic showing the STRAT7 innovation and NPD process

Product innovation

Grounded by foundational understanding

Our broad and detailed strategic insights highlight key innovation opportunities that not only set you apart today, but establish your market influence for years to come.

Consumer insight

Consumers dictate the flow and evolution of your market, and their insights are invaluable when predicting its future.

Market analysis

With qual and quant research, we pinpoint today’s growth opportunities, and the emerging trends you can own tomorrow.

Stakeholder interviews

We dive into detail with your movers and shakers, collecting insights that drive brand unity and innovation buy-in.

Audience segmentation

By breaking down your customers into groups, we locate segments whose needs are not being met, or where there is scope for growth.

AI analysis

Absorb, structure and quantify vast amounts of unstructured data from multiple sources with our proprietary AI toolkit.

Global data collation

There’s a whole world of data out there, and by tapping it, we can help you devise offerings that speak to the wider needs of consumers.

Why work with STRAT7 innovation & NPD research company?

Let's start talking

Helen Donald

Let us know how we can help you win at change.