
Environmental Policy

STRAT7 is committed to providing a quality service in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and minimises our potential impact on the environment. We will operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and we will strive to use pollution prevention and environmental best practices in all we do.


Scope of Policy

This policy applies to all staff members of STRAT7. Other individuals performing functions in relation to STRAT7, such as agency workers and contractors, are encouraged to use it.


B Corp accreditation

STRAT7 is aiming for B Corp certification by 2025 with the aim to illustrate our dedication to doing business in the best way possible.


Current commitment

We are committed to:

  • Minimising the amount of materials we waste.
  • Increasing the amount of materials we recycle.
  • Reducing the amount of energy and water we use.
  • Encouraging the use of public forms of transport by staff.
  • Ensuring all staff are aware of our environmental policies.
  • Ensuring that our purchase of business equipment and supplies is consistent with our commitment to the environment.
  • Commission an independent annual Carbon Emissions Report


Waste and Recycling

  • Staff are trained to minimise waste and maximise recycling and there are clear and accessible recycling bins throughout the office.
  • All toner cartridges are recycled.
  • Unwanted PCs are donated to be reconditioned and used by charities.



  • We use energy efficient light bulbs wherever possible and equipment and lights are switched off overnight, or utilise motion-sensor to automatically switch lights on/off.
  • All PCs are compliant with the relevant standard for energy efficiency.
  • We use double sided and 2-per-page printing where possible.



  • We provide shower facilities for employees who commute to work by bicycle.
  • We participate in the Cycle to Work scheme.
    Staff are offered interest free loans for public transport season tickets.
  • Staff are encouraged to travel to meetings by public transport.
  • Where international and/or domestic flights are unavoidable we offset our carbon emissions (www.climatecare.org).


Aims and endeavours

We will endeavour to:

  • Integrate the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into all our decision making and activities.
  • Promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner.
  • Educate and inform our employees about environmental issues that may affect their work.
  • Purchase recycled, recyclable or re-furbished products and materials where these alternatives are available, economical and suitable.
  • Promote efficient use of materials and resources throughout our facility including water, electricity, raw materials and other resources, particularly those that are non-renewable.
  • Avoid unnecessary use of hazardous materials and products, seek substitutions when feasible, and take all reasonable steps to protect human health and the environment when such materials must be used, stored and disposed of.
  • Purchase and use environmentally responsible products accordingly.
  • Communicate our environmental commitment to clients, customers and the public and encourage them to support it.
  • Strive to continually improve our environmental performance and minimise the social impact and damage of activities by periodically reviewing our environmental policy considering our current and planned future activities.