
Supplier code of conduct


STRAT7 is an international global strategic insight and customer analytics group. We help global brands understand, predict and act on customers’ needs at pace and at scale. We blend cultural, category, and consumer understanding to create impactful customer-centric solutions that are always in-tune with changing consumer needs, to help our clients to put their customers at the heart of all decisions.

STRAT7 is headquartered in the UK, with over 400 employees worldwide and offices in with offices in 4 continents.

We are committed to using our business as a force for good and conducting ourselves in an ethical, honest and transparent manner, as set out in our Environmental Policy. We believe that strong supplier partnerships ensure that we procure the highest quality goods and services and help us to deliver the best services and solutions to our clients. The ethical integrity and business conduct of our suppliers plays an important role in our being a responsible business, and high standards are therefore a fundamental requirement of our supply chain.

Scope of policy

The Supplier Code of Conduct sets out the minimum performance that we require of our suppliers in order to be able to work with them. We expect all existing and prospective suppliers to meet the requirements as set out in this Code, to confirm this in writing, and to demonstrate compliance as requested.

Required conduct

Laws and regulations

Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations in their region and country of operation, as well as any relevant international laws and regulations, including those related to social and environmental performance.

Modern slavery

Although our research industry may be considered low risk, we operate globally and are committed to tackling modern slavery across our value chain. We comply with the Modern Slavery Act (2015) and seek to address potential modern slavery risk within our sphere of operations where possible, as set out in our Modern Slavery Act Statement.

STRAT7 expects the same high standards in regard to modern slavery from our suppliers, specifically to:

  • Prohibit any form of forced, involuntary or debt-bonded labour (e.g. slavery or human trafficking)
  • Prohibit any child labour, including any child below the minimum working age, and juvenile workers engaged in hazardous work
  • Monitor their supply chains for risk of modern slavery and report where necessary

Health and safety

Suppliers must maintain a health and safety policy in compliance with applicable law and regulations, and provide a safe working environment for their employees.

Diversity, equity and inclusion

Suppliers must treat all people, whether internal or external to your organisation, with respect and dignity, while promoting and providing equal opportunity to all in a safe and inclusive environment.

Any and all forms of harassment, victimisation or discrimination on the basis of age, disability, gender, gender expression, pregnancy and maternity / paternity, race (which includes ethnic or national origins, colour, and nationality), sexual orientation, religion, faith or belief, marriage or civil partnership must be prohibited. All applicable human rights and equality laws must be adhered to.

We encourage suppliers to proactively support the development of an inclusive and diverse workforce, including underrepresented groups, and work to improve representation at senior levels.

Suppliers must also commit to a workplace free of any bullying and harassment, including physical, mental, sexual or verbal.

Responsible business

Suppliers are expected to conduct business in an ethical and honest manner. All applicable antibribery and corruption laws and regulations must be adhered to, including the UK Anti-Bribery Act 2010 if relevant, and suppliers should implement and enforce systems that ensure bribery is prevented.

The legal requirements and industry standards for fair employment should be met by suppliers, including the provision of an employment contract outlining fair employment rights and working hours, national minimum wage and other benefits relating to remuneration.

Data security and privacy

Suppliers should ensure compliance with laws and directives (including the UK General Data Protection Regulation, the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003) providing for the protection, transfer, access and storage of personal and confidential company data.

Environmental sustainability

Businesses have a responsibility to identify, manage and reduce their environmental impact. STRAT7 is in the process of more accurately measuring its environmental footprint including its carbon emissions, with a view to reducing them as far as possible in the coming years. We expect suppliers to take a similar approach and abide by all relevant environmental legislation and regulation, including climate-related disclosures and transition plans where applicable.

Assessment against the supplier code of conduct

Strat7 reserves the right to monitor our suppliers’ compliance with this Code of Conduct by conducting risk assessments, which may include a review of supplier performance data, policies and procedures.


Please provide any feedback, queries or concerns about this Supplier Code of Conduct to Robbie Stewart, Group Operations Director, by email to: robbie.stewart@strat7.com, with the subject line “Supplier Code of Conduct enquiry”.